Day 5
Hunter Valley was a nice pick me up at the end of the weekend. We decided to take the day tour around the famous wine valley just close to 2 hours away from Sydney city. It was an early early start but what the hell right? It's for wine hahas :p

We stopped for breakfast at small town called Wollomby. It was really quaint and if I'm not mistaken it was just a single road town (seriously). I had a bacon and egg roll (love bacon and eggs! :p) in a really cute little cafe by the road. The main attraction in this town was supposed to be something called Uncle Jim's Jungle Juice - some sort of rugged, home made alcoholic drink if I'm not mistaken. Sadly we were given around half hour for the stop, so between breakfast and toilet break we didn't have time to go try the juice. Oh well, there's always next time ;)

So we continued our journey towards the valley. Our first stop was Mt.Pleasant Winery where we had a brief tour of how they make their wine before we were served lunch. And what was served with our lunch you may ask? Hehehe wine of course! We had 4 types of wine to go with our lunch - 2 whites, 2 reds and they were yummy! (not the lunch though muahaha :p) and in between lunch and dessert we got to try a heck lot of wine...for free!! yay!! In the end we each bought a bottle of their signature Phillip Shiraz for ourselves :D
The next winery was Lindeman's and the tasting there was accompanied by cheese and crackers hehe :p the highlight of Lindeman's was their dessert wine. We were given to taste Juliet (very delicious!!) but ended up buying back a rose wine called Ruby because it was even more delicious! Thank you Zoe for asking to taste their rose wine. Ruby is not commercially available though :( I should have bought more than one bottle! We did get an extra one just for ourselves
for a night cap later on though hehehe ^^
Our last stop was the Hunter Valley Gardens. Their wine wasn't very impressive but we did try their Kilkenny Cream - OMG it was so good! We so wanted to get a bottle but you know - baggage weight and all that so... T_T
So we got back after that, each with 2 bottles of wine to bring home. Though we wanted more (who wouldn't?? :p) Yeah well you don't get what you wish for sometimes boohoo :( But we had a great time going around drinking free wine hehehe...
Oh btw, forgot to mention that throughout the bus drive, we had to endure the very (VERY) loud chatty conversations of 6 girls that seem to have no notion of any sort of decorum! At one point I wanted to turn and go - SHUT UP already!! But...I was on a holiday and confrontations was not on my list for the day so I just tried to shut them out of my head. You can't win them all can you hahas... I still had fun though...have I told you how easily impressed I am? :p

To be continued...
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