Where to go this year?
I'm thinking, I'm thinking but I can't seem to decide...partly because of my budget (damn Skye why u have to be so broke :p) and partly because I just don't know I guess...too many places and each one being special in its own way...sigh...
I wanna think of somewhere obscure yet beautiful as well as affordable...hmm...to many conditions? ppfffft!!...i have to set these conditions (have to!!) because if not I can never go anywhere...true story... :p
My heart's in a mess...
On another note, I'm really starting to crave (not food!!) to do something that fulfills my soul - i want to be passionate about my work...last night I was stuck in the office till late. When I looked around, I saw that it was only me that is left (alone again...naturally...) I started to doodle then decided to draw...Last time I was inspired by a lot of scenery's - of trees and mountains and the likes...but now I am intrigued by, how do I put it, hmmm...intrigued by life, specifically humanity and the individuality's that are subtly hidden from the world. Don't get me wrong, I still love nature, but there is just something about a perfectly timed snapshot into a person's life - a stranger suddenly seems not so strange and for that brief moment in time you find yourself connecting with the other...
Okay back to last night, I came across a picture of a girl standing nonchalantly against a fixture - her arms wrapped around a package and herself, her chin softly resting on the package and her face was calm with a hint of story - she is pondering about something or someone - pensive, her eyes gazing towards the ground not focused on anything in particular. The world around her was moving along but her life for that moment paused and nothing else seemed to matter. Just her and her thoughts...so how is it that we connect to a person in a picture? I'll tell you how...it is through the fact that we are all humans and at one point or another we found or will find ourselves in that same situation. Of course the place, the outfit, the time might not be exactly the same but somehow or rather you can relate to the emotion that that person is going through and that is when you and the stranger become one...
Well of course that's just me hahas...I am constantly moved and intrigued by the littlest things, the simplest things...call me crazy, call me weird (okies, so ppl already do that hehehe...:p)
Alright, so, for that picture, I stopped my work and began to draw it...somehow for me, when I draw the picture, I become even much more a part of the other person's life...and yes, drawing stirs my soul and helps me clear my thoughts - just like what walking and writing does for me...and in the midst of drawing I couldn't help to sigh and re-think of what I am doing in a line that wasn't mine in the first place...
PS : That drawing of mine is up on my workstation...(like anyone
wants to know kan? =\)
PS2 : I botched up the legs....damn...
PS3 : Thanks to Scott Schumann for his ever intriguing pictures ;)
PS4 : My heart's still in a mess...
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