Bananas - tis a funny yellow fruit tis is :p
I feel like talking about bananas today. I don't know why - well this morning I woke up and waltzed (stumbled) into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee only to discover that...wait for it...my kettle was broke T_T *bloody hell* (smacks face - i really did you know, seriously...) sigh....so beside the now broke kettle lay a bunch of yellow bananas and I thought - hmm bananas...and well that's about it actually because I was (am) still upset on the fact that the kettle is broke *bugger* Okay that was encounter with the funny yellow fruit number 1.
Next, I saw bananas on TV. Yes I did. Nothing grand or special or extraordinary just some actor required to eat a banana in a scene...hmmm...and that was the second encounter with the funny yellow fruit...
Well about an hour ago, just as I was driving back from my long walk, I passed by a street stall selling fruits and there hanging in bunches were - yes you guessed it right - bananas! *high-five* Wanted to stop and buy some because the ones at home I had thrown away on the count that they were on the verge of rotting (yes, I'm disgusting blueek!!) but I was too lazy plus there was no where to park so that was that...
So I reached home and now I'm sitting on the floor (coz it's more cooling on the floor than the couch - the weather is searing!) typing away on my notebook about the funny yellow fruit that is the banana :) god bless its soul (if it has one. probably it does I reckon. all living things do. but then again bananas are not to say living when its not growing on a tree are they? i dunno. I'm confused...)
PS : The hall is getting dark but I;m lazy to switch on the lights.
PS2 : I'm actually craving for bananas now...damn...
PS3 : The King's Speech is a compelling movie I must say :)
PS4 : I'm still bummed that me kettle is busted..........
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