So anyways, to put it in short me and my sis had a good time. The food there is great and so is the atmosphere. It wasn't all loud and smokey but sort of chilled and relaxed. Daikanyama serves Japanese fusion food which a really quite refreshing (hey I'm not just saying this coz my cousin and my bro works there kays...I really liked it lor...wth). Their simplest food were actually quite amazing. Take for example the Garlic Pork and Bacon Cheese (fusion yakitoris)-they are exactly what they sound like but tastes awesome (seriously!)...yummeh!! And their cocktails were concocted using Japanese alcohols like Choya, Shouju and of course Sake =D
We left Changkat around 11.40pm only to drive back out to PJ and end up spending the rest of the night at Piccadilly's. Met up with a bunch of my sis' friends and just chilled till about 3.30am...the next day (or should I say, a few hours later :p) went to my cousin bro's place to help him out with some filing (he's paying so i don't mind at all hahas). Later on in the evening, me and my sis drove to Bkt.Jelutong to collect some stuff from a family friend (their house damn cool, too bad couldn't take pictures..actually don't wanna look like jakun from kampung la..so had play it cool kekeke..)...we reached home around 7.30pm and had Basbin's (Baskin Robins-a friend of mine shortened the name and it kinduh stuck for me...i think it's adorable haha) for dinner...yes we are bad girls-ice cream for dinner *hearts*
I dreaded the night though...Sunday nights always meant going to sleep waking up to another long week at work. But what the hell right, we can't run from reality no matter how much we want to...sometimes, life's gotta suck...
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