It's a Friday once more...wooHoo!! Weekends are always great even when I'm not drowning myself in any party...still love it!! But the thing about today is that, it's only just begun (I mean the day la..). There is still a whole day of work to go through b4 I'm home free. And to top it all up, I gotta sit through this 6 hour long education on some sort of improvement to the existing systems at work -_=" 6 HOURS!! Can you imagine that...?? I told myself that 6 hours will just breeze on by without a moments notice. Don't think I have convinced myself though...crap...
So I'm in the education, trying hard to concentrate on whats being presented (and failing miserably I must admit haha) but I keep reverting back to my thinkpad-twittering and FB-ing and surfing random sites on the internet (please do not let my employer know about this!!!) oh ya and blogging (like duh :p) and all the while keeping a straight face and pretending that I'm all serious and stoned towards what they are talking (I have no idea..) okay la okay la...actually I'm pretty good at multi-tasking (chewah..kekeke)...but I am *bluekss*...I'm not totally lost from the education okay hmmph!!...and at some points throughout it, I was actually interested...so you see, I'm not totally such a bad girl leh...still got listen wan...
Admittedly, not much of a good girl but not a bad one either. I'm still blogging in the midst of the education but I can't help myself. If I want to stay awake I need some form distraction. It's how I roll baybeh! i.e. I make sense in the midst of confusion...go figure...
But you know something, it started to grow on me, this idea that we were being educated on...it's somewhat historical-y and pioneer-y...some of the firsts in the world to be made known to it...a little proud but still a whole lot sleepy hahas...
PS : Thinking on what movies to watch tonight...so outta edi from reality :p
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