I remember back when I was a kid, I used to love to prune up in the bath...seriously...I would spend at least an hour. What was I doing you may ask? haha...I just played, with the water, the soap and at times I would sneak in a toy or too and pretend that they were in some sort of adventure movie-swimming, diving, drowning kekeke...it was fun. I'd always end up being all shrivelled at the fingertips but my face always had a smile...
You may ask why am I telling this now, well you see, the other day, when I came out of the shower, my sis stopped me and asked me how come the showers that I take are so quick...and I was stunned. Firstly, I didn't think it's something anyone would
notice unless of course the showers you take are effin' quick i.e. very cincai mandi oni :p which is really not good (why Skye?...) and the other thing was that, hey! I'm someone that really enjoys a good long bath,ever since I can remember...but now...wth??
So, I asked myself,'wtf Skye?' How could I have lost track of doing something that I really loved? Is my life in such a hassle state nowadays that I don't even have time to stop and smell the roses? (in this case it would be to stop and smell the soap suds haha)..back to being serious...*sigh* needless to say, I couldn't answer all of my own questions...damn...
Which brings me to conclude that I am being really stoopid and unfair to me for denying myself the things that make me happy (whether consciously or not)...(crap, I think I just called myself stupid and spelled stupid stoopid...stupid-nyer...)
Anyhu, I'm getting back to taking long baths and showers now. No toys to accompany me but my head will always be filled with adventures. Sometimes I even make sure that my fingertips are all prune-y and shrivel-y muahaha...(enuf Skye, enuf :p)...can't wait to go home and have me-self a nice long cold shower...
PS : Did I mention that I love blowing bubbles as well!!! *bubbles* :D
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