wish i could take a ride around the world on a hot air balloon...
lately been having these feelings to escape...
so...i'm taking each day one step at a time...trying not to look so much in to some things, just living the seconds of the day as it comes...
it's harder than i thought it would be...who knew...
i'm shifting my thoughts to material things...yes yes i know, i'm being shallow...but it makes a good distraction...it truly does :)
at the moment, i am thinking of my SLR camera...aiming for a Nikon D60. Not the latest in the market, but i think for a beginner starting out, it's more than adequate...after that, if i find that i really really really love photography (which i can say i really really really do! :p) then i will upgrade to a much newer SLR model. Might even spread the market and get a Canon one pulak kekekeke.. XD
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