My heart's a little down, a little wet and close to being washed away...lately I'm beginning to have these sort of 'gloomy' days very often (ofcourse a friend of mine would say, 'Skye, you have always been the gloomy and doomy kind..haha.. :P')...but no matter...life goes on....just need to take a few extra deep breaths to get on with this day...
It rained last night. It wasn't heavy nor was it too subtle to be noticed. It was just the kind of rain that I liked (thank you Mr.Rain for makin' my day)...I wished I could have stopped time right there just so that I can enjoy the beauty...
Still a little bit throaty today...But I'm at work anyways...A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do...Just hope I don't cause any nuisance with my coughin' and sneezin'...I'm starin' at my semi-cubicle-y workstation. Feel so shut out from reality. Is this where I see myself in my future? One cubicle after another? That's not the Skye that I know...
Be strong, be brave....the light will soon shine...it's just a matter of time...as for now, let's keep our dreams alive in our thoughts, in our mind...it's the next best thing...
I'm comin'...
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