~No truer words have been spoken~
And that is me...never have I fought, or am I fighting and will always fight hard for something than being who I am. If this causes me enemies then enemies I shall have. I can't compromise my principals and who I am.
So I'm welcoming the coming year with nothing more than the hopes that I will always be true to who I am and that those around me will respect and accept me for it.
To have people that will stand by your side knowing who you are exactly and explicitly is a gift that is rare and most treasured. Sigh....last day of the year and I'm sounding so emo... :p
Okies, so without wanting to fill this post up with more emo stuff (ishhh...drama queen -__-) I shall sign out ^_^ WORLD PEACE! V^^V
PS : I'm stepping into 2011 with the hopes that I shall be better than I was :) Go Skye!!
PPS : Yes, yes....I'm shutting up now :p
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I'm wishing everyone lotsa love!!
*free kisses*