So....what's the difference between going crazy and already is crazy? I keep thinking that I can't possibly be 'goin' crazy as heck! i am already crazy (make sense much??:p) but the feeling inside me tells me that I am going crazy coz well, it just feels that way for some oddball reason or another...
Sigh...it's the effects of too much work...yes, yes...as you might have guessed...I am still in the office..It hasn't reached the witching hour yet but - close enough right? (oh the horror...) and hence all the crappy crappiness that is spilling out from me............
You would have thought that a girl would have learnt her lesson right? Wrong!! I never learn my lessons...I keep stumbling upon the same sort of potholes and then curse and swear like it has never happened to me before (drama queen numero uno :p) which reminds me that I am sort of tangled in a same situation...again....damnit!! /face-palm...........
PS : It's December in a day...where has the year gone too??
PPS : I need to start my Christmas shopping soon....but I'm sooooo damn broke WTF!!
PPPS : FML..........