Well, I didn’t fancy the weather much-blistering unforgiving sunshine. I was almost roasted wtf! Thank god for NH’s sunscreen I was only partially cooked hahas. So there we were, smack in the middle of the midday sun walking around (being all tourist-y). Was so excited that we got a parking spot near to Jonker Street only to realize that we were not that close to Jonker kekeke :p…no matter…we kept our chins high and soaked up the sun (yeah, my semangat only lasted like 5minutes after which I was cursing at why the sun had to be soooo damn hot!!). Nearly (actually) wished for rain to fall. But I guess Mr. Rain was on vay-kay too =\ oh well…onwards we go!!

The Destination!!! -1st of many-
So naturally like all tourists do (we considered ourselves tourists lor…) we ended up @Jonker Street/Walk. It was around like 11.00am and despite the deliciously pedas nasi goreng that we had in the car (Izzy packed up her breakfast that her mum made for her. We DID NOT beg her to tapao. Seriously! :p) we made a beeline towards the Hainanese Chicken Rice Balls Shop at the end of Jonker Walk (I forgot to take a picture of the shop. To engrossed with the rice balls!) When in Malacca, you just gotta have a taste of the chicken rice balls!! The balls were smaller than expected (eeee sounds so wrong…:p) but they were good. Chicken was so-so. But loved the herbal soupy thingie that came with the meal set though :D CT was ‘lucky’ I should say. She got ‘rained’ on by some sort of bird-poop (okay la, it was actually real bird poo…kesian CT L) I wonder why we did not take a pic of that? Hmmm…
Ppl actually lining up in the sun for chicken rice balls. Not the shop that we went to but it was an amazing sight lor…and I guess they were also a little bored queuing that they smiled to a stranger (moi!) who was also bored and thus was snapping pics of ppl queuing hahas!
Anyhu, that was that. A bird-poo and brunch later, we headed towards the other common tourist-y places in Malacca. The Stadhyus (Stat-house as it’s pronounced- I googled :p)! Took pictures (obviously not from my camera ~sad~) at the steps leading up the the museums. Apparently we are natural born models (chewah hehe) coz where we were posing for pics there was an actual photoshoot going on (model was not that amazing so we were not that interested huhuhu! :p yes, I know, very perasan…)
This is us being so model-y posing like nobody’s business! -pic by CT-

This was the not-so-waah-model. Not waah at all rite? Told u I wasn’t lying! Blueks! -pic by CT-
So we finally went up the stairs. NH loved the red walls of the Stadhyus. And so did I J Decided that we should enter the
Met someone in Malacca-Elephish…*shy* hehehe
Just before we left, we all tried taking a group picture of us jumping for joy. First pic tak jadi coz NH’s tummy was showing. Second pic oso tak jadi coz this time my tummy was showing pulak @_@ but everyone thot the 2nd pic was the best coz everyone was really jumpin high. Outvoted so that pic will be posted in FB. NH was a dear and told that she would color in my tummy =\ ….
This was where we jumped our hearts out!! *whee!!*
After the excitement of jumping (in the noon sun mind you…), we wanted to visit the A’Famosa Fort but…..all succumbed to going to the cendol stall instead kekeke…we decided to come back to the fort in the evening when it wasn’t that sunny (not that any of us were complaining or anything :p). Cendol was a God send!! (note the dramatics? That’s me dramaqueen…-__-) But seriously, after hours of melting in the sun and being baked inside a museum, cendol was a saviour!! I had the durian one with Chris while the rest took the normal cendol (I dunno what it’s called – original??). It was soo good!!
Heaven was in the shape of a bowl of durian cendol! :D
We wanted to stay on longer but there was a group of girls who was right beside us standing and staring! Obviously they are waiting for the table but hello must be that obvious meh?? (cursed them that they would choke on their cendols…okay la, so I wasn’t that bad…we just left only -_-“)
I met another someone…Giffy! ~so shy~ *beh tahan myself*
My poison for the day -
We scooted off to get some coffee after. And so we arrived at Calanthe Art Café!! Where they served coffee from the 13 states of