I had a loadz of fun last Saturday! Me was a volunteer at Zoo Negara! Everyboday say Hey-yo!! ;) Hehehe...Had to wake up like really early tho wtf - 6AM and I was up. Eyes all droopy and my bed was calling me back (sheeesh!)...but I did it! Woke up, showered and got ready...
My friend picked me up and we made our way to the zoo. We didn't know the way - google map in one hand and the other left praying we didn't get lost hahas :p and of course we didn't. Coz we're awesome like that :p (chewah hehehe).
Reached the zoo at about 8AM. Had to line up in lines. Reminded me of school haha. Got divided into groups of 10 (ish) and each group was assigned a chaperon/supervisor (sort of :p). Our group got this intimidating looking person called Uncle R - he had like a hundred silver chains around his neck (okay okay maybe not 100 but it was a lot for sure! :p).
This be our awesome group!
He lead us inside the zoo towards a small work cabin beside the bear enclosures. Got us to change into work boots. I was a little bit apprehensive - you know, who knows whom or where the boots had been (eeew-ness :p) but I was not gonna let that stop me. It's part of the job kan? :)

Icky work boots =\

Finally chose mine and wore them :p
Our group got broken further to groups of 3 - 3 stayed behind at the bear enclosures, another 3 went towards where the deers were and the group that I was with followed Uncle R deeper into the zoo (*shudders*).

Seladangs and their unnecessary muscles! wtf!
We passed by an enclosure that housed huge-assed wild cattle! When I say huge, I mean HUGE!! They literally had muscles on top of muscles! True story. Found out that they were called Seladang or the Indian Ghaur later on (largest species of wild cattle - it figures). They smelt awesome these cattle *rolls-eyes* and I was afraid that we were gonna have to shovel their poop or something...*God help us!* I mean, imagine the size of their poop!! Thank God Uncle R walked pass the pen further in.
*meow* eh..wait, don't think that's how they sound tho...
And to my joy and delight, we ended up right smack in the middle of...wait for it...the Tigers cages!!!! WooHoo!!! Yes, yes they are wild and can rip my limbs off with ease but but but...they are sooo effing cute! Honestly they are! I just wanna rub their belly-welly! *cubit pipi* hehehe....
Well, it wasn't all fun and play. We were there to work and so we did. Uncle R passed out brooms (penyapu lidi to be exact) and told us to sweep off all the fallen leaves from the pathways, floors and drains...no biggie *swaggers about* Before he left, he specifically told us not to touch the Tiger cages - "Awww shuckss" :( okay la...like I was brave enough to feed my hands to the Tigers hahas :p

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work we go... -___-"
Sweeping leaves is hard work I tell you! It might sound easy enough but oh Lord it was tiring even after just 1 hour. Maybe I'm a spoilt city girl (No I'm NOT!! ppffft!!). Thank God I had 2 fun mates with me to make the time pass faster. Nate and Carol were my sweep buddies for the day and their company was awesome and we ended up having fun doing manual labor kekeke :p

Broom Buddies! *Hi5*

This be Nate the broken branch thrower!
Ended up after lunch we did indeed needed to go into the Seladang enclosure to clean it up. And the keeper was not much help in encouraging me in the pen saying that these cattle are aggressive towards strangers and especially those wearing red...and yes, I was wearing red...crap...*whimpers* And you know what?? In the midst of cleaning the inside of the enclosure, came the largest of the 6 Seladangs towards us! The keeper was like, "Cepat! Keluar!"...well you don't have to tell me twice! *phew*

Seladang food - grass & leaves. How the hell they get those muscles from these??
We hung out and rested in between at the restaurants/food stalls (I dunno what to call them :p) within the zoo compound itself. The day was hot and any sort of air-conditioned shelter was a willing welcome! *wipes sweat* The whole group gathered there at each break and we'd spend time chatting the hours away! We got to walk around the zoo as well too for a little while. I didn't manage to go towards the Savannah animal displays but oh well, there is always another day ;)

Cutie Pie the Otter. Okay so that's what I named it larr....

I think Phua Chu Kang was around somewhere...boots don't lie!
This cow/cattle (I dunno lar) had his/her horns slicked back - coolness :)
Hot, sweaty, tired but had an enjoyable day. It was a great experience and I felt good that I did something to help out the zoo even though it was just for the day...gosh I sound like a school kid bahahaha!
Go Animals! Hmm...
Zoo Negara is always in need of volunteers so feel free to call 'em up and offer your services to them :) I'd probably return to help out...seriously! Don't believe me? Come on down and you might just bump into me over there ;)
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