The Lion City - my new home... |
...I'm trying but you still cross my mind. Only time...
It's sort of strange but familiar. Weird I know. They say (I still don't know who these 'they' are yet :p) that life's a constant curve ball and that at certain points in time, your life sort of makes a 360 degree turn and you end up being in a similar spot you once were. And that's sort of how I feel at the moment. It feels so familiar but it's totally different.
Every morning it's the same sort of battle - trudging through the endless sea of people. You get into such close proximity with strangers that you do not normally get into with people you know. It's eye opening and annoying at the same time but a necessity. The commute can be a unique experience but of course it's something that I do not look forward to. Hahas. But in the end, I can always raise my hand and say that, "Yes, I have been there and done that - again..." ;)
I sit, I stand, I wonder - all these people, all these lives converging and for a moment we are all one, etched together into time. I wonder what they are thinking, what goes through their minds. Is it the same as mine? It may not be all of them but I bet that there are some that are treading the same paths I am. And that thought amuses me.
In my daily commute. I spend my time looking out into the world. It's funny how at night when the view beyond the plexi-glass window is hindered by the darkness of the night is when I see farther than ever. I guess there is no limit to what the heart sees :)
Alas, all this, it's a sign of a new start, in a new place - a second chance as some might see it. And yes I grin in its wake. To say what it will bring, I do not know. To wish for what I want it to bring, this is something I want to keep to myself for the time being. For as of now, I am relishing this opportunity that has been laid before me and finding reasons again for me to smile...
Cheers - to a new beginning :)